Two mushroom in the autumn forest, poisonous mushrooms.Aminita is a toxin found in poisonous mushrooms that can cause destruction of the liver. Research published in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine (1998;13(1):44-48) details the treatment of hepatic necrosis resulting from a patient eating toxic mushrooms. An intravenous infusion of alpha-lipoic acid given within 30 hours by Dr. Burton Berkson gave the patient relief within the hour. Subsequent treatment of patients with amanita poisoning yielded promising results. In a paper presented to the International Amanita Symposium (1980: 197-202) cited the treatment of 75 patients with amanita poisoning. Of the group, 67 recovered fully and eight of the patients died. The time interval between ingestion of the poison and the start of the lipoic acid IV protocol was inversely related to the success of the treatment.