Feeling stressed, depressed, unhappy or anxious? Sniff a little lavender or citrus. An article appearing in the Annals of the New York Academy of Science (2009 Jul;1170:604-9) discusses the effect certain aromas have on blood flow (especially in the brain), the glandular system and the nervous system.  One study appearing in Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology (2010 Feb;38(1):83-7) found that the scent of lavender decreased the amount of anxiety experienced by patients about to receive dental care. In a review of animal studies, appearing in Review of Neuroscience (2010;21(2):141-52) found that lavender oil could reduce anxiety in rodents. A study appearing in the Journal of Korean Academic Nursing (2009 Jun;39(3):357-65.) found that aromatherapy could reduce stress in adolescents. A review of studies appearing in the Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine (2009 Feb;15(2):187-95) looked at six studies published between 2000 and 2006, some of the studies showed the positive effects of aromatherapy on patients with depressive symptoms. Aromatherapy is inexpensive, does no harm and has some interesting science behind it.